Monday, July 13, 2015

GSoC Week 7

This week I worked on the Sage wrappers and Python wrappers. To make it easier to try out symengine, I made changes to the sage wrappers such that if sage does not have symengine_conversions methods, (i.e. sage not updated to the symengine branch) then conversions would be done via python strings. For example, an integer is converted to a Python string and then to a Sage integer. This is slow, but makes it easier to install symengine. You can try it out by downloading cmake-3.2.3.spkg and symengine-0.1.spkg and installing them. (Link to download is .....) To install type

sage -i /path/to/cmake-3.2.3.spkg

sage -i /path/to/symengine-0.1.spkg

Python wrappers included only a small amount of functions from SymEngine. Wrappers were added to functions like log, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and their inverses.

CMake package for Sage is now ready for review,

SymEngine package for Sage can be found here, A PR would be sent as soon as CMake ticket is positively reviewed.

Next week, testing with Sage, Python docstrings, SymEngine package for Sage are the main things that I have planned for now. Also a PyNumber class to handle python numbers would be started as well.

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